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Sunday School


Sunday morning at 9:30 am, all are welcomed to gather for instruction in the scriptures.  Books are provided to study from and for discussions of the lessons.  Sunday School allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of God's word for application in our lives.  Please join us.  



Our Minister of Music is God sent and spirit filled, providing the atmosphere filled with praise and worship through music for all the choirs, young and seasoned.

Bible Study

We have Bible Study every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM.  It is very interactive and Rev Jones' teaching makes you walk away thinking and wanting more.  We are by Zoom or in person.

If you want to join us, send your request via email.

Blessing Corner

We at Peoples are trying to do our part to help those in need of a few items.  We provide bags with various hygiene items inside and we also have a few pairs of shoes to give.  

If you know anyone in need, please send them to the church on Wednesday, 3 PM to 5 PM, so that we can help with a few items.

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